Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Chemical Formula of Ionic Compound

Ionic compound is generally a compound that is made up of metal ions and non metal ions. Constructing chemical formula of ionic compound is actually pretty easy once you have all the cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions) in your mind. Diagram below shows the list of common cations and anions that you need to know.

At first sight, you may have thought that there are a lot of ions to remember, but since learning chemistry will make you an expert in writing chemical formulas and chemical equations, there will be a time where you realize that these images of ions just naturally pop in your head whenever you need them because you are just that good.

Example: Constructing chemical formula of Barium Sulphate

Barium sulphate is made up of barium ion (metal ion) and sulphate ion (non metal ion). Diagram below shows the basic steps to construct chemical formula of barium sulphate.

It is very easy, isn't? Now you can use the same steps to construct chemical formula of other ionic compounds such as aluminium oxide Al2O3, copper(II) nitrate Cu(NO3)2 and sodium carbonate Na2CO3. You must do this exercise with other ionic compounds until you won't need a piece of paper to write the steps down because again, you are just that good.

Additional note:
Other than chemical formula of ionic compounds, as a chemistry student you also need to make yourself familiar with chemical formula of water H2O and few common acids as well as gases such as nitric acid HNO3, hydrochloric acid HCl, sulphuric acid H2SO4, carbon dioxide gas CO2, ammonia gas NH3, methane gas CH4, sulphur dioxide gas SO2 and nitrogen dioxide gas NO2.

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